We have been struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic for so long and as it may be some time before we can all meet again in person, we felt it would be useful to facilitate an online ANPH meeting as an opportunity to reconnect. The theme of the session will be about peoples’ response to the COVID challenge from a narrative perspective and an opportunity for supervision for anyone who would like peer support. Sharing experiences may be helpful during this time.
The event is scheduled to take place on:
WEDNESDAY 8th JULY 2020, from 2-5pm
This event will be free and will be hosted via Zoom. Participants will receive an invite with a link for the meeting, via email, on the morning of the 8th of July.
The meeting will start with the AGM that had to be postponed in April. Everyone is welcome and your views on the development of ANPH will be very welcome. This will be followed by an interactive, narrative based discussion on experiences during COVID 19, which will start at 2.30pm. After a short break (from 3.30-3.45) there will be an opportunity for supervision.
If you could please let us know by Monday 29th June if you would be interested to join us for this event. Email us here.