The following websites have been suggested by members of ANPH as providing useful or relevant background material for practicing.
ANPH does not necessarily endorse their content.
Conversations inviting Change
This website contains essential background material for Conversations Inviting Change - the approach used by all accredited ANPH facilitators. There are further links to articles from this site.
John Launer
John Launer
John Launer is the ANPH President and with Caroline Lindsay the founder of the approach Conversations Inviting Change
Durham University - INSTITUTE for Medical Humanities
A number of links and interesting articles about medical humanities.
E-Learning for healthcare
Including the excellent modules produced by Faculty Development at Health Education England (in which many of our members have worked) can be accessed via their Educator Hub.
The Collaborating Centre for Values-Based Practice in health and social carE
The Collaborating Centre has been set up to support the development of values-based practice through shared learning. Based at St Catherine’s College in Oxford the Centre brings together a wide range of individuals and organisations working on different aspects of values-based practice around the world. Although originating primarily in mental health and social care a particular aim of the Collaborating Centre is to support extension of values-based approaches to other areas of health care such as surgery.
Performing Medicine
Performing Medicine is an award-winning programme created by theatre company Clod Ensemble, which uses methods found in the arts to help medical students and health professionals develop skills essential to clinical practice and healthcare. They usually perform in Central and Inner South London (Guys and St Thomas's).